The info below is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this manual. It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.
When you are able to equip some of the higher tier abilities for solo questing, this build is feasible for higher level 40-50+. You should be able to take on very large groups without dying with this build.
This is how your ability bar should look like:
- Shield Charge
- Inferno morphed into Sea of Flames
- Inhale morphed into Draw Essence
- Dragon Blood for self healing.
- Fiery Breath
A simple rotation would be:
- Shield Charge
- Inferno
- Fiery Breath
- Start Bashing
- Inhale
- Blood dragon when in a bind
Dual Wield Skill Rotation
If your preferred role is not a tank but you wish to play DK in a group with friends, or if you wish to be a damage dealer and want to play a Dragonknight, your basic go-to is Dual Wield. This build will not only give you good crowd control, self-healing, and survival abilities, it will also ensure AoE damage across the board. And since the Dunmer (Dark Elf) is the only race with added bonus to experience gain for Dual Wielding, this build works best for them.
The skills on your ability bar for this build should be:
- Blood Craze – In this setup, this is your main ability. And since Flurry (your second) is quite expensive, you will need this during those times that Flurry is out.
- Flurry – This can ut down your targets very fast and you can consider this to be your main damage ability. It is important to remember, however, not to use it when the NPC is about to attack you. That way, your DPS will not be maximal as it will get interrupted.
- Burning Embers – Not only does this DoT have decent damage, it also heals your when its effect ends.
- Razor Armor – Get increased armor at the same time as adding physical damage to your attackers . Since you will most likely be under attack by multiple opponents constantly, you will need this more often.
- Burning Talons – This can allow you some breathing space by immobilizing nearby enemies, thus getting you out of a bind. If you want enemies to be immobilized in PvP, this works great for immobilizing them. Unlike a mage that can cast stuff to an area, a dual wielder is the center out of which all damage comes from. Therefore, this can help you deal the most damage.
For this build, the rotation are:
- Burning Embers – In order for you to get the self heal, you may wany to use this ability first to make sure it lasts until the end.
- Blood Craze
- Flurry
If you are using Dragon Leap instead of Dragonknight Standard as your ultimate, there is much that can be gained if you decide to use this build for PvP. A simple explanation. Your enemies will usually be smart enough to move out of the Standard’s AoE area fast when in PvP. But they cannot block or dodge the damage from leap. So, leap will still serve you better although the standard can be moved later. Always use the standard for PvE, no exceptions even during grinding.
The info above is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this walkthrough . It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.